Tuesday, July 7, 2020

May 21, 2020

Why am I so pissed and what the fuck can I do about it? (What a difference a couple of days make.)

Im not sure what is pissing me off more right now.  Is it the lack of compasiion or empathy for fellow Americans, humans, co-workers?  Or is it the idea that economy is more important than the citizenry, money more important than people or their health?  Or is it this idea is an employee's worth is only their billable/punchable hours of evidenced work?  Tell the "non-essential" workers to stay home and then don't pay them, or lay them off before say, the CEO taking a cut or the corporate jet going up for sale?   I'm sure it's all compounded by being quarantined in my apartment with my loved ones, not going outside for more than a grocery or post office run.  No park. No hanging with family and friends.  Or is it just the ache that's been in my shoulder this week.

And what to do about it.  What do I do with the anger?  Where do I channel it?  Is there some new place in the new even more internet based world for me to find a niche for activism? or for employment?

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May 21, 2020

Why am I so pissed and what the fuck can I do about it? (What a difference a couple of days make.) Im not sure what is pissing me off more...